We Buy Gold


Robere’s Jewelry has been purchasing EVERYTHING from gold, platinum, silver, diamonds, watches, gold & silver coins, and yes, Dental Gold since opening our doors in 1981. Why sell to us?

  • We have over 30 years experience in purchasing Jewelry, precious metals, diamonds, and watches
  • Our office is safe, secure, and your privacy is always a concern of ours
  • We use the most accurate tools to test and weigh your Jewelry, ensuring you get the most value
  • We test and weigh your Jewelry right in front of you
  • Get paid on the spot


Now is the best time to go through your drawers and jewelry boxes. Anything, even broken or mismatched jewelry can be sold to us. Come visit Robere’s Jewelry and get paid top dollar for your items. If you’re interested in consigning your Jewelry, we can help with that too. We will showcase your piece here in the store after cleaning it and making it like new again. We will get the most value possible for your consigned Jewelry. Click here to call or email us, and sell your Gold Today!

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